After going through this course of study, I'll never look at a tree the same way again. Trees clean the air, feed animals and people, and in some cases serve as a bridge between the worlds. Some are quite tangible, while others are invisible. You can perform the DCD rites in the middle of a forest, if you have the luxury. However, you can get results that are just as potent while working in an apartment in the center of a city. That's because trees are everywhere. Some of them simply can't be seen because they are obscured from our flawed vision on the other side. There may be a whole secret forest in the middle of your bedroom. The essence of all trees are contained in every twig, every leaf, every piece of bark taken (respectfully) from any tree. Trees have hidden roots beneath the earth that twist and mingle. Their branches reach to the sky. They are securely rooted in our world, but exist in all worlds. The original Druids liked oak, but any tree exists on the visible and invisible planes.
The purposes of the Druid Clan of Dana are to learn to work with the elements, elementals, and other nature spirits, increase psychic ability, and preserve our local environments. The first action taken during this training is to receive a free attunement to the patron gods of this group. Druids are teachers. They come from a proud tradition that requires work and study. Eventually, the student becomes a teacher, as an ArchDruid. We ask ourselves, "What does it mean to be a Druid?" And together, our disciplines help us answer that question. We do not claim to adhere exactly to the practices and rituals of the original Druids. Much of their lore is now lost. Instead we wonder and muse upon what those Druids would be doing today. We are not the only Clan of Druids. There are others out there. Unfortunately, some cling to rigid and elitist beliefs that prevent us all from coming together for study, ritual, fellowship, and mutual good. And that is truly a shame. We have much to share and teach each other. Modern Druids can hearken back to the old Druids by studying magic, astrology, healing, and poetry.
This Grove is dedicated to Dana and Pan, two beings we know very little about. Dana was the Mother of the Tuatha De Danann. All of their skill, power, grace, beauty, and strength flowed from her. But, she remains largely an enigma, a blank slate onto which a variety of Neo-Pagan traditions can draw what they see fit. I'm convinced Dana was THE DEITY for the Celts. Pan is a mighty and strong God of all nature. He represents the creation of all things and their destruction. He's a big guy with a heck of a roar. Wherever there are plants or standing stones, Pan is there. He's the king of all nature spirits. They've been saying he's dead for a while now. He wants you to know that the reports of his death have been greatly exaggerated. It is these two mysterious figures who rule the forests in this world and the other in the invisible. They are visible and invisible. They are one, just as the roots of trees that snake through each other below the earth are one.
This is one of the most difficult subjects I've studied in the Fellowship thus far. It requires great devotion. It also carries great rewards for the sincere seeker.
Druid Clan of Dana Coursework
The texts for this program of study are In the Shadow of the Shaman and Druid Power by Amber Wolfe.
1. The Seeker should have passed through the Rite of Rebirth or a similar mystery drama from the Magi Degrees, which provides them with an initiation into the priesthood of the Fellowship of Isis. They do not have to be ordained as yet, but should be initiated.
2. The Seeker should prepare with the Flamma Vestae Rite from Panthea, as modified by the leader of the Grove with which they will be studying. In this case, my Grove is The Grove of Invisible Trees, and I'll be providing the Flamma Vestae rite for you. This makes you a Companion of the Grove with which you will study. The new Companion will receive a token that represents the Grove of Invisible Trees as a new member.
3. Porta Mystica:
When the Companion has completed the course of study, the rite may be enacted. It can be found in Panthea. This gives the student the rank of Candidate in the Grove of Invisible Trees. This level of study corresponds to the element of fire, which in nature is associated with the fire in the center of the Earth.
4. The Well of Brighid: Facing the Goddess:
When the Companion has completed this course of study, the rite "Opening the Eye of Vison (from Melusina)" may be enacted. This gives the student the rank of Novice within the Grove of Invisible Trees. This level of study corresponds to water, represented in nature as the nearest waterway to the Companion's location.
5. The Dolmen of the Morrigan: Passage through the Gateway of the Sidhe:
When the Companion has completed this course of study, the rite "Magic of Mars and the Morrigan (from Urania)" will be enacted. This gives the student the rank of Apprenticeship in the Grove of Invisible Trees. This level of study corresponds to earth, represented in nature as stone.
6. The Labyrinth of Dana: Serpent Path of Sun and Moon:
When the Companion has completed this course of study, the rite "Virgo and Dana (from Sophia)" may be enacted. This gives the student the rank of Journeyman in the Grove of Invisible Trees. This level of study corresponds to air, represented in nature as sky.
7. Companion will be to choose a totem or "Soul Friend."
FOI Co-Founder, Olivia Robertson writes: "The Choice of Soul Friends was always used in our Grove at Clonegal. This discovery of totem animals and other guides has been a matter of secrecy in tribes and clans in most countries. I would ask the candidate: 'Who is your soul friend amongst--plants, trees, insects, reptiles, birds, animals--and so forth, extending to angels and Deities...The Candidate for initiation is asked by an Archdruid/ess to acknowledge his Soul Friend, ranging from insects, reptiles, birds, animals, humans, and Deities. There is an ancient Druid custom which creates a soul link through meditation with our particular creatures, then the whole species. North American Indians called that 'finding the Totem Animal.'"
Olivia and her brother Lawrence felt it was important to act upon the psychic impressions received at that time. They will come and may not be what the Companion would have thought.
8. The Companion then prepares for the Rite of Dana, Druid Initiation. The Companion will be invested with a Lunula, a crown of leaves, and a Wand (female) or a Staff (male). The Companion should find and prepare these items for their final initaition. This gives the student the rank of Druid in the Grove of Invisible Trees. This level corresponds to spirit, the energy and power that is behind all nature.
9. After this, the new Druid may choose to embark on further courses of study offered in the Grove to specialize in various types of expertise in Druidry. This included the art of story telling and poetry; the preserving of an oral tradition within the Grove; study of the principle and moral and ethical guidelines of the Grove and overall Druid community; healing, shamanism, divination, prophecy, ritual, and skill in crafts and arts.
10. After a significant period of study, the Grove members and presiding ArchDruid of the Grove may reach consensus that a particular Druid or Druidess of the Grove is prepared to found his/her own Grove. This particular Druid or Druidess will then be eligible to undergo a rite of Consecration written by the presiding ArchDruid of the Grove. Upon undergoing that rite, the Druid is now an ArchDruidess or ArchDruid in the Druid Clan of Dana and may found their own Grove in the Druid Clan of Dana.
What follows are some energy systems I have found to be helpful. Remember you don't need to take these to become a Druid. This energy work is optional but should assist you on your journey.
4 Archangelic Attunements
These will connect you with the angels of the elements, Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, and Raphael, who can assist you with healing, channeling, and communication. They will help you hold more light and engage in meditation and visualization. They can increase healing ability and accelerate your evolution. These 4 angels also can help you to attune to the other angels and archangels.
Price: $10
Elemental Kings Reiki
There are 4 steps to this system, one for the king of each of the 4 elements.
Djinn, also known as Notus, King of fire, appears as a 20-30 year old man, with flowing golden hair and clothes the color of the summer sun. He can be fearful and terrifying or gentle and comforting. He rules over the salamanders, who are shape-shifters and can appear as lizards, dragons, or humans. They stoke to fires of romance and passion. They are associated with creativity and inspire artists and writers with a sudden flash of brilliance. These spirits will impart courage, strength, bravery, optimism, and positivity to get us through the difficult times. They can help you believe in yourself and your abilities and turn "I can't" into "I can." Fire is also the element of visionaries.
Nixsa or Zephyrus looks a lot like Poseidon. He's King of water. He is a huge merman with a tail and flowing beard, holding a trident. He wears a crown of seashells or glass and green clothes that flow in water. He works with the angel Gabriel and his elemental spirits are the undines. They're merfolk, usually small, some with the appearance of small seahorses with human faces with human faces. Some are more human like. They live in all types of water. They can offer clairvoyance and magical abilities. These are the spirits that grant wishes to those who throw coins into water. They may come to you in dreams. They love to help people and are often called on by witches to aid them when casting spells, especially love spells.
Ghob or Boreas appears as an older, gray haired man with heavy black robes and a magical sword. He is involved with serenity and protection. He is perhaps stronger than other Kings in some respects, but he is also gentle. He often hides in the woods to avoid coming into contact with humans. But his trust can be gained if you take care of the earth, trees, and woods. His nature spirits are the gnomes, who often very much resemble the garden statues of them. They sometimes appear as tiny, fairy-like creatures who work with earth, crystals, flowers, trees, and rocks. They can also help you with grounding.
Paralda or Eurius, King of air, frequently appears as a young man with fair hair, wearing clothes of light blue, the color of the spring sky or a man with long, gray-white hair with sun-beam highlights and gossamer wings. He can be calming or tumultuous. His elementals are the sylphs, constantly changing, always moving, fast, and riding the wind. They appear as humanoids with wings approximately double their height. Other spirits of air are the Valkyrs/Valkyries. They're Odin's battle maidens, beautiful women, with light skin and long, golden hair, and gold or silver helmets. Led by the goddess Freya, they ride the clouds to battlefields, carrying glistening spears. After a battle, they go down to collect the dead heroes whom they escort to Valhalla.
Price: $35
Spirit of the Four Winds Reiki
This one brings you positive change, spiritual blessings, healing, manifestation, guidance, and ascension. It can help with problem solving. It takes the form of meditations that will guide you through the Spirits of the Four Winds to receive messages and blessings.
North Wind/Earth--This wind helps you to regenerate, heal, and prepare for the future.
East Wind/Air--This wind brings you freedom, knowledge, and help with learning. It is associated with music and the fine arts, It can aid you with inspiration to start projects, help you with transitions, and bring a sense of excitement. It's also about learning new skills and expanding knoweldge.
South Wind/Fire--This wind is associated with passion, love, enthusiasm, power, motivation, and protection. It warms, nurtures, protects, encourages you to make change and to take action to move forward with confidence. It brings happiness, contentment, and determination. It allows you to both set things in motion and see them through to completion. This wind will teach you to follow your heart.
West Wind/Water--The West Wind is concerned with cleaning, wishes, purification, strength, healing, and peace. It helps you feel refreshed and alive. It heals emotional trauma and broken hearts. It helps with problem solving and breaking up negativity. It brings prosperity, acknowledgement, and rewards for the completion of projects. It will clear your path and find things to celebrate.
Price: $21.95
Faery Kings and Queens
If you thought faeries were diminutive creatures with mushrooms on their heads, boy, have you got another thing coming. These full statured faeries are as wise as they are powerful. Some of them, like the Tuatha de Danann are more like gods and goddesses than nature spirits. This system helps you meet them and work with the Y Tylwyth Teg and Daoine Sidhe. It can be helpful, when working with this system to choose a Faery King and Queen to work with closely. There are 12 to choose from. However, in some cases, the faeries just may choose you! Among their abundant gifts are learning, guidance, protection, inspiration, and motivation. They can also provide you with access to parts of the Faery Realms that other humans can't reach.
Each of the attunements comes with a manual which contains a channeled message from a King or Queen. You are given a ritual to deepen your relationship with each King or Queen. Advice is given on scents to attract faeries, colors associated with them, information on how to contact them, and ways to generally increase your connection with them.
The faeries this system works with are Donn Fierna, Finvarra, Gwyn ap Nudd, Midar, Oberon, Sil, Argante, Caelia, Maeve, Morgan Le Fey, Oonagh, and Holda.
Price: $100
Spirit Elements
This is really a good one. Trust me. Try it and see. It allows you to create strong connections with 7 elements (There aren't just 4 anymore!). They will help you evolve, be useful in any type of energy healing work you do, and, perhaps most important of all, they can help you remember why you came to this planet.
Water--This one allows for the flowing expansion of your reality and prepares you to attune to the other elements--greatly enhancing and activating them. It connects you to the undine--nature spirit of water. It can help purify and relieve disharmonious emotions, leaving you purified and relieved.
Earth--It takes you beyond your old reference points and limitations. It can provide stability in relationships and help those who are having trouble committing.
Fire--This element bears a powerful connection with a time in great antiquity when intelligence on Earth began. It can open you to the oldest of sources. It can take you back to the point when you decided on the purpose for your earthly incarnations. It can help you open up to the most sacred part of you, making available and giving you access to the final secret of secrets and hidden knowledge that you have...your original and ongoing life path.
Air--This attunement helps you to reach distant levels on the Spiritual Plane that you may not have had access to before. It can potentially help a person manifest the highest degree of their spirituality with integrity and passion. It can help those going through stress and trauma. It assists a person who needs to make a choice to do so while balancing intellectual and emotional perspectives.
Higher Self--This draws energy of the highest order into one's center from which it will radiate outward and expand greatly. Higher Self helps us to be cognizant of what is beyond the physical and helps us gain access to a wellspring of ancient wisdom and knowledge. It can also give you entry and access to alternate realities.
Devic--This one will help you remember what is possibly your own greatest mystery--that of why you are here. For those who remember their path, this attunement helps them to take action and become passionate in its pursuit. It can help us to meet our spiritual needs and bring about a devotional, nurturing approach to ourselves, others and nature. It helps us understand and implement stewardship, responsibility, protection, caring and love in our existence.
Angelic--Here we open up to receiving from above, the angelic tones of inspiration, love, awareness, communication, guidance, and instruction--opening up to a never-ending array of potentials in our earthly lives. The energy of heaven comes down to earth and the two are united. This attunement can also provide connection and access to leylines and energy centers in the earth.
Price: $35.99
Faery Tree Spirit Elixirs
How could we possibly have Druidry without trees? Yes, indeed! We have trees. This attunement allows you the ability to draw forth the etheric elixir from a variety of 16 trees. The system's founder found herself in a circle of trees with a corresponding faery in front of each tree and 16 cups of Faery Tree Elixir to partake of. Then a mysterious being, the Faery Tree Guardian, appeared and gave her access to the elixirs. Through attunement to this system, you can gain access to the tree elixirs also. The elixirs can be used for love, protection, healing, prophecy, transformation, longevity, and to offer a doorway to Faery.
Price: $19.95
The purposes of the Druid Clan of Dana are to learn to work with the elements, elementals, and other nature spirits, increase psychic ability, and preserve our local environments. The first action taken during this training is to receive a free attunement to the patron gods of this group. Druids are teachers. They come from a proud tradition that requires work and study. Eventually, the student becomes a teacher, as an ArchDruid. We ask ourselves, "What does it mean to be a Druid?" And together, our disciplines help us answer that question. We do not claim to adhere exactly to the practices and rituals of the original Druids. Much of their lore is now lost. Instead we wonder and muse upon what those Druids would be doing today. We are not the only Clan of Druids. There are others out there. Unfortunately, some cling to rigid and elitist beliefs that prevent us all from coming together for study, ritual, fellowship, and mutual good. And that is truly a shame. We have much to share and teach each other. Modern Druids can hearken back to the old Druids by studying magic, astrology, healing, and poetry.
This Grove is dedicated to Dana and Pan, two beings we know very little about. Dana was the Mother of the Tuatha De Danann. All of their skill, power, grace, beauty, and strength flowed from her. But, she remains largely an enigma, a blank slate onto which a variety of Neo-Pagan traditions can draw what they see fit. I'm convinced Dana was THE DEITY for the Celts. Pan is a mighty and strong God of all nature. He represents the creation of all things and their destruction. He's a big guy with a heck of a roar. Wherever there are plants or standing stones, Pan is there. He's the king of all nature spirits. They've been saying he's dead for a while now. He wants you to know that the reports of his death have been greatly exaggerated. It is these two mysterious figures who rule the forests in this world and the other in the invisible. They are visible and invisible. They are one, just as the roots of trees that snake through each other below the earth are one.
This is one of the most difficult subjects I've studied in the Fellowship thus far. It requires great devotion. It also carries great rewards for the sincere seeker.
Druid Clan of Dana Coursework
The texts for this program of study are In the Shadow of the Shaman and Druid Power by Amber Wolfe.
1. The Seeker should have passed through the Rite of Rebirth or a similar mystery drama from the Magi Degrees, which provides them with an initiation into the priesthood of the Fellowship of Isis. They do not have to be ordained as yet, but should be initiated.
2. The Seeker should prepare with the Flamma Vestae Rite from Panthea, as modified by the leader of the Grove with which they will be studying. In this case, my Grove is The Grove of Invisible Trees, and I'll be providing the Flamma Vestae rite for you. This makes you a Companion of the Grove with which you will study. The new Companion will receive a token that represents the Grove of Invisible Trees as a new member.
3. Porta Mystica:
When the Companion has completed the course of study, the rite may be enacted. It can be found in Panthea. This gives the student the rank of Candidate in the Grove of Invisible Trees. This level of study corresponds to the element of fire, which in nature is associated with the fire in the center of the Earth.
4. The Well of Brighid: Facing the Goddess:
When the Companion has completed this course of study, the rite "Opening the Eye of Vison (from Melusina)" may be enacted. This gives the student the rank of Novice within the Grove of Invisible Trees. This level of study corresponds to water, represented in nature as the nearest waterway to the Companion's location.
5. The Dolmen of the Morrigan: Passage through the Gateway of the Sidhe:
When the Companion has completed this course of study, the rite "Magic of Mars and the Morrigan (from Urania)" will be enacted. This gives the student the rank of Apprenticeship in the Grove of Invisible Trees. This level of study corresponds to earth, represented in nature as stone.
6. The Labyrinth of Dana: Serpent Path of Sun and Moon:
When the Companion has completed this course of study, the rite "Virgo and Dana (from Sophia)" may be enacted. This gives the student the rank of Journeyman in the Grove of Invisible Trees. This level of study corresponds to air, represented in nature as sky.
7. Companion will be to choose a totem or "Soul Friend."
FOI Co-Founder, Olivia Robertson writes: "The Choice of Soul Friends was always used in our Grove at Clonegal. This discovery of totem animals and other guides has been a matter of secrecy in tribes and clans in most countries. I would ask the candidate: 'Who is your soul friend amongst--plants, trees, insects, reptiles, birds, animals--and so forth, extending to angels and Deities...The Candidate for initiation is asked by an Archdruid/ess to acknowledge his Soul Friend, ranging from insects, reptiles, birds, animals, humans, and Deities. There is an ancient Druid custom which creates a soul link through meditation with our particular creatures, then the whole species. North American Indians called that 'finding the Totem Animal.'"
Olivia and her brother Lawrence felt it was important to act upon the psychic impressions received at that time. They will come and may not be what the Companion would have thought.
8. The Companion then prepares for the Rite of Dana, Druid Initiation. The Companion will be invested with a Lunula, a crown of leaves, and a Wand (female) or a Staff (male). The Companion should find and prepare these items for their final initaition. This gives the student the rank of Druid in the Grove of Invisible Trees. This level corresponds to spirit, the energy and power that is behind all nature.
9. After this, the new Druid may choose to embark on further courses of study offered in the Grove to specialize in various types of expertise in Druidry. This included the art of story telling and poetry; the preserving of an oral tradition within the Grove; study of the principle and moral and ethical guidelines of the Grove and overall Druid community; healing, shamanism, divination, prophecy, ritual, and skill in crafts and arts.
10. After a significant period of study, the Grove members and presiding ArchDruid of the Grove may reach consensus that a particular Druid or Druidess of the Grove is prepared to found his/her own Grove. This particular Druid or Druidess will then be eligible to undergo a rite of Consecration written by the presiding ArchDruid of the Grove. Upon undergoing that rite, the Druid is now an ArchDruidess or ArchDruid in the Druid Clan of Dana and may found their own Grove in the Druid Clan of Dana.
What follows are some energy systems I have found to be helpful. Remember you don't need to take these to become a Druid. This energy work is optional but should assist you on your journey.
4 Archangelic Attunements
These will connect you with the angels of the elements, Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, and Raphael, who can assist you with healing, channeling, and communication. They will help you hold more light and engage in meditation and visualization. They can increase healing ability and accelerate your evolution. These 4 angels also can help you to attune to the other angels and archangels.
Price: $10
Elemental Kings Reiki
There are 4 steps to this system, one for the king of each of the 4 elements.
Djinn, also known as Notus, King of fire, appears as a 20-30 year old man, with flowing golden hair and clothes the color of the summer sun. He can be fearful and terrifying or gentle and comforting. He rules over the salamanders, who are shape-shifters and can appear as lizards, dragons, or humans. They stoke to fires of romance and passion. They are associated with creativity and inspire artists and writers with a sudden flash of brilliance. These spirits will impart courage, strength, bravery, optimism, and positivity to get us through the difficult times. They can help you believe in yourself and your abilities and turn "I can't" into "I can." Fire is also the element of visionaries.
Nixsa or Zephyrus looks a lot like Poseidon. He's King of water. He is a huge merman with a tail and flowing beard, holding a trident. He wears a crown of seashells or glass and green clothes that flow in water. He works with the angel Gabriel and his elemental spirits are the undines. They're merfolk, usually small, some with the appearance of small seahorses with human faces with human faces. Some are more human like. They live in all types of water. They can offer clairvoyance and magical abilities. These are the spirits that grant wishes to those who throw coins into water. They may come to you in dreams. They love to help people and are often called on by witches to aid them when casting spells, especially love spells.
Ghob or Boreas appears as an older, gray haired man with heavy black robes and a magical sword. He is involved with serenity and protection. He is perhaps stronger than other Kings in some respects, but he is also gentle. He often hides in the woods to avoid coming into contact with humans. But his trust can be gained if you take care of the earth, trees, and woods. His nature spirits are the gnomes, who often very much resemble the garden statues of them. They sometimes appear as tiny, fairy-like creatures who work with earth, crystals, flowers, trees, and rocks. They can also help you with grounding.
Paralda or Eurius, King of air, frequently appears as a young man with fair hair, wearing clothes of light blue, the color of the spring sky or a man with long, gray-white hair with sun-beam highlights and gossamer wings. He can be calming or tumultuous. His elementals are the sylphs, constantly changing, always moving, fast, and riding the wind. They appear as humanoids with wings approximately double their height. Other spirits of air are the Valkyrs/Valkyries. They're Odin's battle maidens, beautiful women, with light skin and long, golden hair, and gold or silver helmets. Led by the goddess Freya, they ride the clouds to battlefields, carrying glistening spears. After a battle, they go down to collect the dead heroes whom they escort to Valhalla.
Price: $35
Spirit of the Four Winds Reiki
This one brings you positive change, spiritual blessings, healing, manifestation, guidance, and ascension. It can help with problem solving. It takes the form of meditations that will guide you through the Spirits of the Four Winds to receive messages and blessings.
North Wind/Earth--This wind helps you to regenerate, heal, and prepare for the future.
East Wind/Air--This wind brings you freedom, knowledge, and help with learning. It is associated with music and the fine arts, It can aid you with inspiration to start projects, help you with transitions, and bring a sense of excitement. It's also about learning new skills and expanding knoweldge.
South Wind/Fire--This wind is associated with passion, love, enthusiasm, power, motivation, and protection. It warms, nurtures, protects, encourages you to make change and to take action to move forward with confidence. It brings happiness, contentment, and determination. It allows you to both set things in motion and see them through to completion. This wind will teach you to follow your heart.
West Wind/Water--The West Wind is concerned with cleaning, wishes, purification, strength, healing, and peace. It helps you feel refreshed and alive. It heals emotional trauma and broken hearts. It helps with problem solving and breaking up negativity. It brings prosperity, acknowledgement, and rewards for the completion of projects. It will clear your path and find things to celebrate.
Price: $21.95
Faery Kings and Queens
If you thought faeries were diminutive creatures with mushrooms on their heads, boy, have you got another thing coming. These full statured faeries are as wise as they are powerful. Some of them, like the Tuatha de Danann are more like gods and goddesses than nature spirits. This system helps you meet them and work with the Y Tylwyth Teg and Daoine Sidhe. It can be helpful, when working with this system to choose a Faery King and Queen to work with closely. There are 12 to choose from. However, in some cases, the faeries just may choose you! Among their abundant gifts are learning, guidance, protection, inspiration, and motivation. They can also provide you with access to parts of the Faery Realms that other humans can't reach.
Each of the attunements comes with a manual which contains a channeled message from a King or Queen. You are given a ritual to deepen your relationship with each King or Queen. Advice is given on scents to attract faeries, colors associated with them, information on how to contact them, and ways to generally increase your connection with them.
The faeries this system works with are Donn Fierna, Finvarra, Gwyn ap Nudd, Midar, Oberon, Sil, Argante, Caelia, Maeve, Morgan Le Fey, Oonagh, and Holda.
Price: $100
Spirit Elements
This is really a good one. Trust me. Try it and see. It allows you to create strong connections with 7 elements (There aren't just 4 anymore!). They will help you evolve, be useful in any type of energy healing work you do, and, perhaps most important of all, they can help you remember why you came to this planet.
Water--This one allows for the flowing expansion of your reality and prepares you to attune to the other elements--greatly enhancing and activating them. It connects you to the undine--nature spirit of water. It can help purify and relieve disharmonious emotions, leaving you purified and relieved.
Earth--It takes you beyond your old reference points and limitations. It can provide stability in relationships and help those who are having trouble committing.
Fire--This element bears a powerful connection with a time in great antiquity when intelligence on Earth began. It can open you to the oldest of sources. It can take you back to the point when you decided on the purpose for your earthly incarnations. It can help you open up to the most sacred part of you, making available and giving you access to the final secret of secrets and hidden knowledge that you have...your original and ongoing life path.
Air--This attunement helps you to reach distant levels on the Spiritual Plane that you may not have had access to before. It can potentially help a person manifest the highest degree of their spirituality with integrity and passion. It can help those going through stress and trauma. It assists a person who needs to make a choice to do so while balancing intellectual and emotional perspectives.
Higher Self--This draws energy of the highest order into one's center from which it will radiate outward and expand greatly. Higher Self helps us to be cognizant of what is beyond the physical and helps us gain access to a wellspring of ancient wisdom and knowledge. It can also give you entry and access to alternate realities.
Devic--This one will help you remember what is possibly your own greatest mystery--that of why you are here. For those who remember their path, this attunement helps them to take action and become passionate in its pursuit. It can help us to meet our spiritual needs and bring about a devotional, nurturing approach to ourselves, others and nature. It helps us understand and implement stewardship, responsibility, protection, caring and love in our existence.
Angelic--Here we open up to receiving from above, the angelic tones of inspiration, love, awareness, communication, guidance, and instruction--opening up to a never-ending array of potentials in our earthly lives. The energy of heaven comes down to earth and the two are united. This attunement can also provide connection and access to leylines and energy centers in the earth.
Price: $35.99
Faery Tree Spirit Elixirs
How could we possibly have Druidry without trees? Yes, indeed! We have trees. This attunement allows you the ability to draw forth the etheric elixir from a variety of 16 trees. The system's founder found herself in a circle of trees with a corresponding faery in front of each tree and 16 cups of Faery Tree Elixir to partake of. Then a mysterious being, the Faery Tree Guardian, appeared and gave her access to the elixirs. Through attunement to this system, you can gain access to the tree elixirs also. The elixirs can be used for love, protection, healing, prophecy, transformation, longevity, and to offer a doorway to Faery.
Price: $19.95