Four powerful Archangelic energies along with a Seraph that will help you in your life in both the physical and mundane as well as the spiritual and holy are waiting to connect to you. You will be gifted with unconditional love, judgement, courage, beauty, and joy. The angels will serve to guide you and help you in both your sacred and day to day life forever. You will learn to navigate the etheric realms, offer healing, serve as a guiding light in this time of change, enhance creativity, and increase the effectiveness of your communication. You will receive the Virtues of Love, Compassion, Courage, Joy, Loyalty, and Purity. Once you have received the attunements, the angels will be in your etheric background to help you in the areas of their specialties.
Seraph Rose Aura--This first attunement is to a Seraphim. They're rather lofty angels, who, up to this point have been very concerned with the Deity. It is a testament to what extraordinary times we live in that we are being offered access to one. Seraph Rose Aura will place a flame of unconditional love in your heart chakra, which you will have the ability and responsibility to pass on.
Archangel Michael--His gifts include non-judgement and the ability to navigate the etheric realms. With his help, you may develop telepathy, channeling, and other spiritual gifts. Unconditional love and non-judgement create a platform from which to launch great spiritual progress. Michael gives you the gift of a halo and enhances your crown chakra.
Archangel Uriel--His theme is "angelic beauty." This includes an appreciation of beauty as well as the activation of your own creative talents. Until recently, he has worked more behind the scenes. His role is becoming more prominent now so he can help us to channel and increase our creativity. We find beauty in ourselves and in our world and come to truly appreciate the beauty around us. He offers a heart-shaped gift box and all types of artistic expression.
Archangel Raphael--He brings "angelic courage." He offers you divine healing, both for yourself and others. He is a lodestar for future service. He can help you avoid some of life's difficulties and guide you into a future of opportunity and spirituality. He intervenes in lives and culture, sometimes in dramatic ways. Raphael brings you a "torch of angelic light," in these often difficult times and can provide you with the energy for courageous action, sometimes in remarkable ways.
Archangel Gabriel--He helps you find joy in all areas of life, appreciating the joy that is already there and creating new joy. He deals with all sorts of communication, including intuition and psychic development and imparts "angelic joy." He can provide you with inspiration and divine inner strength in these often challenging times. He will help you improve your intuition and communication, both inner and interpersonal. He brings joy and happiness that will affect all areas of your life. He is involved with love in all things, both in your life and in your communication from the heart.
Cost: $120
In AngelLinks, we attune to the energy of one Seraph. In Purification Rings, we attune to several groups of them, creating unconditional love, wholeness, harmonization, beauty, and bliss. In addition to changes in your energy field, Purification Rings will reformat aspects of your brain and help you function on an evolving planet. We are one Being, growing on Organism Earth. We are in a symbiotic process with Mother Earth, wherein humans react to Mother Earth's vibratory level by being propelled forward on their path, while conversely, Earth reacts to human progress, thus being propelled further in her evolution. At this time, the vibrations are being adjusted, creating a spiritual connection between the two and a higher existence shared by them. We create an organic awareness of our lives and learn to view life in the moment rather than as a series of sequential steps. Awareness becomes focused on the big picture. The Seraphim will transmute everything that does not fit in with this picture, removing that which doesn't fit. The Seraphim's higher perspective enables them to assist us in moving through the elements of our world and in the Light of which they are made. They will also remove adverse elements of the energy field, transforming them over time. The Seraphim will happily impart a holistic perspective to human beings. Purification Rings bring the blue flame to the heart chakra and make changes in our awareness as well as our DNA.
Level I, Seraphim Y--This attunement brings the "Blue Flame of Wholeness," reformatting the functioning of the body at a genetic level and point of view. It shifts personal perspective with understanding the "All That Is" to assist in the process of spiritual growth and evolving into greater service to human kind. You become whole and be in service to the Divine.
Level II, Seraphim C--The C group teams up with Star Arinae, gifting you with a crystal skull and influencing the brain, particularly the frontal lobe. Through this process, sensory stimulation becomes a consistent and holistic stream, allowing you to fully assimilate information. Such information no longer has to be cut into bite-size pieces. They also focus on the heart and thoracic cavity, transforming the physical body. They have studied the bones, muscle, and soft tissue to gain an understanding of how they interact and work together. They make use of the evolutionary changes that have occurred in the physical body by imparting special attention to all senses. Lines between body, mind, emotion, and spirit drop away from their influence. You will gain the ability to send/receive information in its purest form.
Level III, Seraphim V--Here we have the removal of fear and gifts of love, laughter, and thoughtfulness. A line is placed from the crown chakra that mirrors the spine. This attunement assists you with the release of "hidden agendas" and "stuff to work out." Through the birth process and entering a human body, we are left with a cloak of fear. Level III assists in the cloak of fear so that you may love and stand in your truth. Spirit vibrates at a higher level than matter (although, the Light is in everything). Thus, when your spirit enters your body, problems can occur in assimilation. You crate this cloak of fear to keep yourself safe, but what it does is to create fear and the cloaking of Self. In love is all truth. And when you are coming from a place of love, you can free yourself from the cloak. Love is All. This Purification Ring allows it to work through you and influence the choices you make while incarnated in a body. The cloak is the actual cause of the "hidden agendas" and "stuff to work out." By removing the cloak, you can deal with these and exist in a place of love and truth.
Level IV, Seraphim Z--Here we are helped to deal with deep-seated grief which creates cracks in the energy body, which require healing. People employ a variety of strategies to deal with this grief. If people choose not to deal with it, it causes cracks. People can distract themselves from it by drawing attention to other areas of their lives, or away from themselves altogether. When not dealt with, grief becomes diseased and results in a lack of wholeness, sorrow, and always needing more. This behavior is self-serving and needs to be dealt with. Seraphim Z place a rainbow circle around your heart chakra, helping you with this.
Level V, All Seraphim--Here you are actually surrounded with the blue flame and develop your already present ability to manifest joy. Fear and doubt are the enemy. Their results are self-made blocks that inhibit energy flow, lower vibratory rate, and keep you from creating your own happy reality. Being surrounded in the blue flame, you are full of grace, one with the river of life, and attuned to the Earth Mother.
Level VI, Seraphim K--This level is all about learning about what we might call magic as well as our connection with the Earth plane. Here, you must release all fear of the unknown and embrace the power to create your own reality. You will gain control of the unknown, work with the energies of nature, and harmonize with and draw on the forces around you. This attunement works with the right side of the brain, allowing you to manifest using sound. Your voice will act to load the requisite energetic hardware into your body.
Cost: $185
This is the continuation of the work done in AngelLinks, which is the prerequisite for this program. Through AngelLinks, you experienced the simple, direct, but nonetheless powerful connections to Seraph Rose Aura, Raphael, Michael, Uriel, and Gabriel. These attunements are identical in many ways, similar in some, and totally different in the important aspects of anchoring your personal connection with the Archangels. Many sources say that there are 7 Archangels, but some include more. Their names vary from system to system. Each Archangel deals with at lest 1 dominant theme.
Ariel--She takes care of what we know as the world. She maintains the natural world, which she has dominion over. One of her jobs is to bring in abundance, usually by creating a "happy coincidence." Through her, you can access all varieties of nature spirits, as well as animals, minerals, and the elements. She can help us connect with nature and assist us with environmental endeavors. She is the "Lioness of God" and the "Angel of Destiny" and has the power to help us figure out why we're on this planet. It often seems to happen through sheer luck. So, it's important to be alert and open to opportunities. In the modern world, we often become cut off from nature. Ariel can help us become warriors for the environment while also providing us with the necessities that nurture our lives and the Earth. She will help guide you toward becoming all you are meant to be. Keywords for her are "creation," "focus," and "strength" and she helps us find our calling.
Jophiel--"The Wise One" or "Angel of Beauty" illuminates us by helping us find our own inner light. If you need to look at things from a different direction, she can give you the insight you need. Her flaming sword cuts through illusions and delusions of all sort and imparts truth and wisdom. With her light, we can see those things we couldn't before. She can help us prepare for exams as well as any situation that requires clarity of mind and perception. She can also help us make decisions that are tough. She can help you with artistic endeavors on a variety of fronts, including helping you to slow down, bringing tranquility, healing discordant energy, and assisting you to look at things in a new light. Jophiel also helps you with beauty, both within and without. She helps us manifest our highest destiny and, like all AngelLinks, guides us into the new paradigm.
Chamuel--The "Angel of Love" brings peace, both world peace and peace in relationships. He will help you obtain whatever it is that is important to you: your reason for incarnation, healthy relationships, and rewarding work. And he will help in solving problems in general. He also fights negativity and low vibrations. Partner with him to bring world peace and discover the hidden connection between all things. He can help you with the gift of strength when you feel you have none remaining. He heals misunderstandings and relationships of all kinds by enhancing communication and working on mental blocks. He can place your relationships on a firm foundation by giving them health, depth, and longevity. He find what is lost on any level whether a relationship or an object. Using his higher perspective, he will assist you in attaining what you desire. He will heal aspects of your energy field that are barring your way by illuminating your path if you can't see, raising your vibratory rate, and attracting that which you desire. His love can make short work of negative emotions: rejection, stress, loneliness, judgement, and more. He will expand your heart chakra and help you let go of resentment and hang-ups.
Metatron--He brings Universal wisdom for balancing your energies and growing spiritually. He can help you move between Heaven and Earth. He guides you through the process of exploration and expansion of your ideas. He can point out and help you let go of that which no longer serves you. Metatron is in charge of the Akashic Records, where every thought, action, and word is stored. His access to the Records gives him knowledge of everything in Heaven and Earth. He can help you sort through the Records to gain wisdom and knowledge. He can also help you improve your communication skills. Metatron can help you adjust your energy as you grow spiritually and balance your energy field in general. He can connect you to your Higher Self. He will help you adjust to changes in your energetic make-up and mentor you as you open up to gifts of the spirit. He helps you accept your personal power. If you need to cut cords or attachments, simply state this intention to Metatron.
Sandalphon--She relates to the arts, including music and writing. She can help you with your prayer efforts and connect to you inner landscapes and spirituality. She can give you the strength to make tough decisions. She can give you the ability to trust your assets as they unfold. Archangel Sandalphon is the prayer gatherer and makes sure they reach their target. When you have a decision to make, you can request a sign from her to help you. She is intimately connected with Gaia and the Crystalline Grid. She will help to regulate your emotions so you don't lose out to fear and indecision. She can hook into your creative energies. She can use sound to raise your vibration. She may use synchronicity to help you find music that brings joy and contentment and heightens your energy. She brings confidence, stability, and artistic expression.
Raziel--Wounds of the spirit come from a variety of sources. Archangel Raziel can help you heal them all. He works to heal pain and hurt in your psyche and give you access to deep seated memories and information held by the Higher Self. He will help you find your personal power and self-awareness. He can help you obtain spiritual memories tied to your soul, where the roots of pain are stored, identify them, and help you heal them. He can help you heal problems stemming from past lives. These may be the results of vows you may have taken during a previous incarnation, which Raziel can neutralize. Unfounded fear and phobias can be healed. You may have cords or limitations that originate in this life or another. Raziel can isolate and cut these. Through this process, you come to stand in your own power. He provides freedom from the blocks to your spiritual evolution. He can help you remember knowledge you have lost on a conscious level that remain locked in parts of your deep self waiting for you to dig into them. The hidden Universe will open up to you and you will discover the truth as well as your own place in the scheme of things. Raziel can help you transcend ordinary ways of knowing such as the 5 senses and gain access to the knowledge and wisdom stored in your Higher Self. He also fosters psychic and intuitive abilities. In summary, Raziel heals the spirit, provides access to the Higher Self's knowledge, and helps you stand in your own power.
Cost: $185
Four powerful Archangelic energies along with a Seraph that will help you in your life in both the physical and mundane as well as the spiritual and holy are waiting to connect to you. You will be gifted with unconditional love, judgement, courage, beauty, and joy. The angels will serve to guide you and help you in both your sacred and day to day life forever. You will learn to navigate the etheric realms, offer healing, serve as a guiding light in this time of change, enhance creativity, and increase the effectiveness of your communication. You will receive the Virtues of Love, Compassion, Courage, Joy, Loyalty, and Purity. Once you have received the attunements, the angels will be in your etheric background to help you in the areas of their specialties.
Seraph Rose Aura--This first attunement is to a Seraphim. They're rather lofty angels, who, up to this point have been very concerned with the Deity. It is a testament to what extraordinary times we live in that we are being offered access to one. Seraph Rose Aura will place a flame of unconditional love in your heart chakra, which you will have the ability and responsibility to pass on.
Archangel Michael--His gifts include non-judgement and the ability to navigate the etheric realms. With his help, you may develop telepathy, channeling, and other spiritual gifts. Unconditional love and non-judgement create a platform from which to launch great spiritual progress. Michael gives you the gift of a halo and enhances your crown chakra.
Archangel Uriel--His theme is "angelic beauty." This includes an appreciation of beauty as well as the activation of your own creative talents. Until recently, he has worked more behind the scenes. His role is becoming more prominent now so he can help us to channel and increase our creativity. We find beauty in ourselves and in our world and come to truly appreciate the beauty around us. He offers a heart-shaped gift box and all types of artistic expression.
Archangel Raphael--He brings "angelic courage." He offers you divine healing, both for yourself and others. He is a lodestar for future service. He can help you avoid some of life's difficulties and guide you into a future of opportunity and spirituality. He intervenes in lives and culture, sometimes in dramatic ways. Raphael brings you a "torch of angelic light," in these often difficult times and can provide you with the energy for courageous action, sometimes in remarkable ways.
Archangel Gabriel--He helps you find joy in all areas of life, appreciating the joy that is already there and creating new joy. He deals with all sorts of communication, including intuition and psychic development and imparts "angelic joy." He can provide you with inspiration and divine inner strength in these often challenging times. He will help you improve your intuition and communication, both inner and interpersonal. He brings joy and happiness that will affect all areas of your life. He is involved with love in all things, both in your life and in your communication from the heart.
Cost: $120
In AngelLinks, we attune to the energy of one Seraph. In Purification Rings, we attune to several groups of them, creating unconditional love, wholeness, harmonization, beauty, and bliss. In addition to changes in your energy field, Purification Rings will reformat aspects of your brain and help you function on an evolving planet. We are one Being, growing on Organism Earth. We are in a symbiotic process with Mother Earth, wherein humans react to Mother Earth's vibratory level by being propelled forward on their path, while conversely, Earth reacts to human progress, thus being propelled further in her evolution. At this time, the vibrations are being adjusted, creating a spiritual connection between the two and a higher existence shared by them. We create an organic awareness of our lives and learn to view life in the moment rather than as a series of sequential steps. Awareness becomes focused on the big picture. The Seraphim will transmute everything that does not fit in with this picture, removing that which doesn't fit. The Seraphim's higher perspective enables them to assist us in moving through the elements of our world and in the Light of which they are made. They will also remove adverse elements of the energy field, transforming them over time. The Seraphim will happily impart a holistic perspective to human beings. Purification Rings bring the blue flame to the heart chakra and make changes in our awareness as well as our DNA.
Level I, Seraphim Y--This attunement brings the "Blue Flame of Wholeness," reformatting the functioning of the body at a genetic level and point of view. It shifts personal perspective with understanding the "All That Is" to assist in the process of spiritual growth and evolving into greater service to human kind. You become whole and be in service to the Divine.
Level II, Seraphim C--The C group teams up with Star Arinae, gifting you with a crystal skull and influencing the brain, particularly the frontal lobe. Through this process, sensory stimulation becomes a consistent and holistic stream, allowing you to fully assimilate information. Such information no longer has to be cut into bite-size pieces. They also focus on the heart and thoracic cavity, transforming the physical body. They have studied the bones, muscle, and soft tissue to gain an understanding of how they interact and work together. They make use of the evolutionary changes that have occurred in the physical body by imparting special attention to all senses. Lines between body, mind, emotion, and spirit drop away from their influence. You will gain the ability to send/receive information in its purest form.
Level III, Seraphim V--Here we have the removal of fear and gifts of love, laughter, and thoughtfulness. A line is placed from the crown chakra that mirrors the spine. This attunement assists you with the release of "hidden agendas" and "stuff to work out." Through the birth process and entering a human body, we are left with a cloak of fear. Level III assists in the cloak of fear so that you may love and stand in your truth. Spirit vibrates at a higher level than matter (although, the Light is in everything). Thus, when your spirit enters your body, problems can occur in assimilation. You crate this cloak of fear to keep yourself safe, but what it does is to create fear and the cloaking of Self. In love is all truth. And when you are coming from a place of love, you can free yourself from the cloak. Love is All. This Purification Ring allows it to work through you and influence the choices you make while incarnated in a body. The cloak is the actual cause of the "hidden agendas" and "stuff to work out." By removing the cloak, you can deal with these and exist in a place of love and truth.
Level IV, Seraphim Z--Here we are helped to deal with deep-seated grief which creates cracks in the energy body, which require healing. People employ a variety of strategies to deal with this grief. If people choose not to deal with it, it causes cracks. People can distract themselves from it by drawing attention to other areas of their lives, or away from themselves altogether. When not dealt with, grief becomes diseased and results in a lack of wholeness, sorrow, and always needing more. This behavior is self-serving and needs to be dealt with. Seraphim Z place a rainbow circle around your heart chakra, helping you with this.
Level V, All Seraphim--Here you are actually surrounded with the blue flame and develop your already present ability to manifest joy. Fear and doubt are the enemy. Their results are self-made blocks that inhibit energy flow, lower vibratory rate, and keep you from creating your own happy reality. Being surrounded in the blue flame, you are full of grace, one with the river of life, and attuned to the Earth Mother.
Level VI, Seraphim K--This level is all about learning about what we might call magic as well as our connection with the Earth plane. Here, you must release all fear of the unknown and embrace the power to create your own reality. You will gain control of the unknown, work with the energies of nature, and harmonize with and draw on the forces around you. This attunement works with the right side of the brain, allowing you to manifest using sound. Your voice will act to load the requisite energetic hardware into your body.
Cost: $185
This is the continuation of the work done in AngelLinks, which is the prerequisite for this program. Through AngelLinks, you experienced the simple, direct, but nonetheless powerful connections to Seraph Rose Aura, Raphael, Michael, Uriel, and Gabriel. These attunements are identical in many ways, similar in some, and totally different in the important aspects of anchoring your personal connection with the Archangels. Many sources say that there are 7 Archangels, but some include more. Their names vary from system to system. Each Archangel deals with at lest 1 dominant theme.
Ariel--She takes care of what we know as the world. She maintains the natural world, which she has dominion over. One of her jobs is to bring in abundance, usually by creating a "happy coincidence." Through her, you can access all varieties of nature spirits, as well as animals, minerals, and the elements. She can help us connect with nature and assist us with environmental endeavors. She is the "Lioness of God" and the "Angel of Destiny" and has the power to help us figure out why we're on this planet. It often seems to happen through sheer luck. So, it's important to be alert and open to opportunities. In the modern world, we often become cut off from nature. Ariel can help us become warriors for the environment while also providing us with the necessities that nurture our lives and the Earth. She will help guide you toward becoming all you are meant to be. Keywords for her are "creation," "focus," and "strength" and she helps us find our calling.
Jophiel--"The Wise One" or "Angel of Beauty" illuminates us by helping us find our own inner light. If you need to look at things from a different direction, she can give you the insight you need. Her flaming sword cuts through illusions and delusions of all sort and imparts truth and wisdom. With her light, we can see those things we couldn't before. She can help us prepare for exams as well as any situation that requires clarity of mind and perception. She can also help us make decisions that are tough. She can help you with artistic endeavors on a variety of fronts, including helping you to slow down, bringing tranquility, healing discordant energy, and assisting you to look at things in a new light. Jophiel also helps you with beauty, both within and without. She helps us manifest our highest destiny and, like all AngelLinks, guides us into the new paradigm.
Chamuel--The "Angel of Love" brings peace, both world peace and peace in relationships. He will help you obtain whatever it is that is important to you: your reason for incarnation, healthy relationships, and rewarding work. And he will help in solving problems in general. He also fights negativity and low vibrations. Partner with him to bring world peace and discover the hidden connection between all things. He can help you with the gift of strength when you feel you have none remaining. He heals misunderstandings and relationships of all kinds by enhancing communication and working on mental blocks. He can place your relationships on a firm foundation by giving them health, depth, and longevity. He find what is lost on any level whether a relationship or an object. Using his higher perspective, he will assist you in attaining what you desire. He will heal aspects of your energy field that are barring your way by illuminating your path if you can't see, raising your vibratory rate, and attracting that which you desire. His love can make short work of negative emotions: rejection, stress, loneliness, judgement, and more. He will expand your heart chakra and help you let go of resentment and hang-ups.
Metatron--He brings Universal wisdom for balancing your energies and growing spiritually. He can help you move between Heaven and Earth. He guides you through the process of exploration and expansion of your ideas. He can point out and help you let go of that which no longer serves you. Metatron is in charge of the Akashic Records, where every thought, action, and word is stored. His access to the Records gives him knowledge of everything in Heaven and Earth. He can help you sort through the Records to gain wisdom and knowledge. He can also help you improve your communication skills. Metatron can help you adjust your energy as you grow spiritually and balance your energy field in general. He can connect you to your Higher Self. He will help you adjust to changes in your energetic make-up and mentor you as you open up to gifts of the spirit. He helps you accept your personal power. If you need to cut cords or attachments, simply state this intention to Metatron.
Sandalphon--She relates to the arts, including music and writing. She can help you with your prayer efforts and connect to you inner landscapes and spirituality. She can give you the strength to make tough decisions. She can give you the ability to trust your assets as they unfold. Archangel Sandalphon is the prayer gatherer and makes sure they reach their target. When you have a decision to make, you can request a sign from her to help you. She is intimately connected with Gaia and the Crystalline Grid. She will help to regulate your emotions so you don't lose out to fear and indecision. She can hook into your creative energies. She can use sound to raise your vibration. She may use synchronicity to help you find music that brings joy and contentment and heightens your energy. She brings confidence, stability, and artistic expression.
Raziel--Wounds of the spirit come from a variety of sources. Archangel Raziel can help you heal them all. He works to heal pain and hurt in your psyche and give you access to deep seated memories and information held by the Higher Self. He will help you find your personal power and self-awareness. He can help you obtain spiritual memories tied to your soul, where the roots of pain are stored, identify them, and help you heal them. He can help you heal problems stemming from past lives. These may be the results of vows you may have taken during a previous incarnation, which Raziel can neutralize. Unfounded fear and phobias can be healed. You may have cords or limitations that originate in this life or another. Raziel can isolate and cut these. Through this process, you come to stand in your own power. He provides freedom from the blocks to your spiritual evolution. He can help you remember knowledge you have lost on a conscious level that remain locked in parts of your deep self waiting for you to dig into them. The hidden Universe will open up to you and you will discover the truth as well as your own place in the scheme of things. Raziel can help you transcend ordinary ways of knowing such as the 5 senses and gain access to the knowledge and wisdom stored in your Higher Self. He also fosters psychic and intuitive abilities. In summary, Raziel heals the spirit, provides access to the Higher Self's knowledge, and helps you stand in your own power.
Cost: $185